artist:"Auguste Rodin"
The Age of Bronze
The Cathedral
Study for a Burgher of Calais (Pierre de Wiessant)
Torso of Adele
La Ronde
Figure of a Young Girl
Nude Reclining
Female Figure (Dancer)
Nude Kneeling
Ames du Purgatoire
Le Printemps
Antonin Proust, Minister of Fine Arts
Buste de Bellone
Victor Hugo, de face
Antonin Proust, 1884-1888
Victor Hugo, three quartre view
Aimons, le Printemps est divin
August Rodin
Le jardin des supplices
The Torture Garden
Fleurs du mal
showing 24 results matching artist:"Auguste Rodin"
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The John R. Van Derlip Fundexpand_more 54.1
This figure originally held a spear and was called "The Vanquished" to symbolize France's defeat in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870. While the work refers to the classical male nudes sculpted in antiquity and the Italian Renaissance, Rodin's figure is more lifelike. The ambivalent pose suggests multiple meanigs and psychological interprations.
When Rodin exhibited "The Age of Bronze" at the Salon des Beaux-Arts in 1877, it aroused great controversy. He had removed the figure's spear and retitled the work, causing viewers to question his subject matter. More importantly, however, the bronze was so lifelike that critics accused Rodin of having it cast directly from a male model. Insulted by this accusation, Rodin began using a more exaggerated modeling technique that emphasized the expressive qualities of the human figure, so that his works could never again be mistaken for life casts.